About Oklin’s Composters
Oklin Composter Overview
1. What are Oklin’s composters?
Oklin’s GreenGood Composters turn food waste into compost in 24 hours with the help of our
proprietary blend of microorganisms - Acidulo. The resulting compost is a nutrient-rich
immature compost that can be used in horticulture applications (eg. Gardens, farms, land)
when mixed with soil.
In some countries, it is already possible to sell the compost on the market – see the examples of
the permits on Dropbox.
Our machines mimic the natural composting process, where the microorganisms are capable of
reducing the 6-8 week composting process to 24 hours.
2. How do Oklin’s Green Good composters benefit businesses?
Reduction Rate
Oklin’s machines can reach a reduction rate of up to 90%, where 100kg of food waste can be
reduced and yield 10 kg of compost.
Food Waste collection costs are eliminated
Oklin’s machine turn food waste into a product. It is a waste prevention. Users of GreenGood
Composter don’t need to have a contract signed with any food waste collector. Compost is
either used locally or can be given away or sold (refer to the local legislation)
Food Waste Diversion
Research has shown that food waste in landfill creates methane gas, a greenhouse gas that is
23 times more potent than carbon dioxide and a direct contribution to global warming. By
converting food waste into compost, a reusable end product, it could reduce the stress on the
environment, and benefit local communities, and reduce an organization’s greenhouse gas
Corporate Social Responsibility
Many companies are expected by the public to be involved in initiatives that benefits the
environment. Oklin’s composters are great for businesses that generate food waste to be able
to reduce their contribution to the landfill by turning the waste into compost.
Food Waste Treatment Technology Overview
1. How are Oklin’s composters different from food waste digesters?
Food waste digesters require a water hook up as it uses water to digest food waste, and a
sewer hook up for the effluent. Digesters use high volumes of water, ranging from 100-200
gallons of water. Most if not all digesters are unable to handle contamination due to its grinder
The output from digesters are grey water, an effluent that often contains high levels of fats oil,
grease (FOG) and thus biological oxygen demand (BOD). The effluent is often flushed down
sewage systems for further processing, as it cannot be reused in horticulture applications
without further treatment and processing.
2. How are Oklin’s composters different from food waste dehydrators? (eg.Hungry Giant, BioGreen360, Somat Ecovim)
Food waste dehydrators use high heat (often 80oC or above) to remove all water content from
food waste. These machines often cannot handle any contamination.
Dried food waste is not compost or a compost product as food waste dehydrators do not use a
biological process to decompose food waste into a stable substance. If it becomes wet again,
the dried food waste can re-absorb water, which at this point it will have similar characteristics
to unprocessed food waste, meaning it can attract vectors and create odour.
3. How are Oklin’s composters different from food waste composters? (eg.Big Hanna Jora Canada, The Rocket, Vertal CityPod)
Food waste composters use the natural composting process to turn food waste into compost in
4-8 weeks. It is an alternative to compost pile, and are more effective in maintaining the
temperature needed for composting (50oC). Carbon source (ie. Wood chips) need to be added
to facilitate the composting process. Composters are able to handle some contamination.
At the end of the 4-8 week composting process, an immature compost will result. In some
composters, a mature compost will result (where PH level is balanced).
4. Potential customer claims he has received and offer for a “half priced machine”
There are many producers displaying their products on Alibaba at half prices. It’s possible to
show this as an example. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Food-Waste-Composting-
Their quality is compromised by the usage of cheap materials during production and their
products won’t last long. Purchasing a Composting machine is a long-term investment and we
encourage potential clients to approach it this way. We have a proven track record of long-time
durable machines, with a fast after-sale support etc. Oklin should not be compared with such
producers at any level.
Machine Installation Requirement
1. Where can the machine be installed?
The machine should be installed indoors and be protected from the elements. The machine
cannot be exposed to the rain, as it will damage the machine’s electrical elements, and become
an electrical hazard. Exposing the machine to cold weather (6oC or below) and hot weather
(30oC or above) could affect the machine’s performance, and damage the machine’s
components. It will also need to installed in an area where it can be vented to an air outtake
vent, or vented to the outside.
2. What about any odor?
The composting process takes place within a closed chamber and if the machines are installed
properly, there is no odor around the machine. (there are examples of machines installed only
several meters away from the eating tables in a restaurant)
It is important to properly solve the outcoming airflow. I can be either led into the exterior or
into the sewage system. When installed into the sewage system, there is no need for any filter
When installed towards the outside of the building, there might be a slight odor occurring. If
needed, we can provide a combination of odor filter technologies to help to eliminate the odor.
Our process is 100% aerobic and there are no unwanted gases (methane) created during the
operation, the outcoming airflow is harmless regardless usage of any filter or not.
3. What is the minimum ceiling height requirement?
At the minimum, the machine’s input lid should be able to open fully with at least 2 feet of
clearance. If a bin lifter is used to empty food waste into the machine, a minimum of 4 feet
ceiling height clearance is needed.
4. What is the recommended installation location for the composter?
We recommend to have the composter installed as close to the food preparation source as
possible, to minimize travelling time and increase efficiency. Some of Oklin’s clients have the
machine installed in the kitchen if space permits, in the loading dock where other waste is
stored, or some has built a special enclosure or housing unit for the machine.
Machine installed in the
kitchen of a restaurant
Machine installed in loading dock
area where other waste is stored
A housing unit built specially
for the composter